Thursday, August 18, 2005


- Write something down.
- I don't have anything to write.
- But it’s time to post. You’re loosing the new Blo2’s momentum.
- I am not going to make up something just to write a post.
- Just pick a random interesting thing from the top of your head and write about it.
- Nothing’s on top. Everything’s just scrambled there in my head.
- Ok, what were you doing the last couple of hours?
- I was meeting with Sameh and Mina to prepare for Friday... We had one of those fights! Nothing unusual… being who we are; we normally disagree then quarrel then scream at each other and all… then cool down at the end and get things done. It was funny actually being so typical (the fight) :)
Speaking about typical. I have to say I have always been receiving repeatedly reports from different sources agreeing on me having such an irritating way in discussions!!
I find that particularly frustrating because I love discussions and arguments and debates more than life; and almost all the people I love in life either hate getting into debates or can’t stand me when arguing! ... That’s so bad. Life is unfair.


Anonymous said...

Rami, It's the first time i'm reading your blog...i wish i had time to comment on all your "interesting" articles....but i will comment on two of them only....CISSP awaits! :)

1- Boredom:
I think that one of the major reasons nowadays that everyone is bored is precisely that...because everyone is bored! Haven't you noticed how contagious boredom is?
Sometimes I call someone up (while i'm not bored) and on asking how he/she is...I get the answer "i'm bored, what about you?" and I suddenly find myself replying "so am I" and after giving reasons for why i'm bored (which i wasn't in the first place!)...I find myself bored! I end the conversation convinced that i'm bored and I forget that just five minutes ago..I wasn't bored!

Boredom is contagious! You should be careful to immunize yourself against it!

2- "Scrambled"
About you having an irritating way of discussions..... know how i hate lying...I have to admit that sometimes you become aggressive in discussions! ALWAYS make ALWAYS have a good ALWAYS articulate yourself very well and you ALWAYS convince the one infront of you of your view point. May be what other people find irritating in your discussions is the fact that they always end up looking stupid for clinging to their false ideas?
I, personally am one of the people who loves arguing with always come up with view points I had never thought about!

That's all for now....
May be in the future i'll add some more comments!

One last note: Congrats on the blog!

Na22ash said...

Lorna! So happy to have you on The Blo2 :)

To whomever doesn't know Lorna, she is one of the few people on the globe with such a kind, sympathetic and charming way of making people happy :) and who to my good fortune happens to be a dear friend, colleague and instructor :)

It's always good to put “almost” in front of “all” :D

I agree with you that immunizing oneself against the contagious boredom disease is nearly half-way to solve one’s boredom... Unless you are a “genuine” source of boredom :D

Thanks for passing by … and best of luck in CISSP!!

antimena said...

My name is Mena ... not Mina!

I agree with Lorna ... you end up learning a lot from debating with you :P Nah, I agree that many times we quarrel, many times we argue, but we never leave unresolved!


Na22ash said...

That's a blessing :)