Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bolitics: Presidential Elections

This Washington Institute article is one of the best commentaries I've read lately about the Presidential Elections. This analysis is written by an egyptian political analyst for the USA's Washington Institute which is a very recognized political research establishment that is solely focused on the Middle East. Ahmed Nazif and Osama ElBaz and many others lectured and posted articles there.

As he mentions in the last few lines, the November parliamentary elections will be practically more critical and contested. The problem is that our parliamentary elections are historically very misregulated and chaotic... Hope the people won't forget about Kefaya after the presidential elections are over to their dismay; and the egyptian judges won't take long vacations after September to participate in parliamentary elections monitoring! I think the dormant political parties would have better chances to come into the picture in the parliament and start being heard from there on...

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