Tuesday, October 18, 2005

... فمع أنه

فمع أنه لا يزهر التين
ولا يكون حمل في الكروم
يكذب عمل الزيتونة
والحقول لا تصنع طعاما
ينقطع الغنم من الحظيرة
ولا بقر في المذاود
فإني أبتهج بالرب
وأفرح بإله خلاصي
الرب السيد قوّتي
ويجعل قدميّ كالأيائل
ويمشيني على مرتفعاتي
فأغني على آلاتي ذوات الأوتار
19-17 : 3 حبقوق


Anonymous said...

Salwa says
amazing 7abkok.. what a faith, a vision like a radar sees through a fog.. he is sure that, the sun is always shinning. Even though clouds may come along and obscure the sun for a while, the sun is always shining. The sun never stops shining. And even though the earth turns, and the sun appears to go down, it really never stops shining. God , give us his faith , vision and courage to claim that to ourself and suroundings

Na22ash said...

And what an amazing comment :)
I loved the shining sun illustration ... Faith and vision really made the difference that allowed Habakkuk to rejoice although at the time everything around him seemed dry and fruitless!
Thank you Mama,
Keep shining:)